The Myths and Truth about White Boxers
Quite often, a white boxer comes into rescue looking for a new home so we thought that we would attempt to dispel some of the ideas that
people do seem to have about them. Many boxer breeders over-look white puppies as they feel that the ideal boxer should be red or brindle
with symmetrical white markings on the face and legs and that anything over 25% of white on the body is unacceptable. They forget that
white puppies are still boxers! The majority of boxer litters usually contain one or more white puppies, especially if the sire & dam are both
flashy, that is with white markings on the face, legs and chest. Some breeders do not wish to rear these puppies so they are quite often put to
sleep as soon as they are born. White boxer puppies can still find loving and caring homes like the red or brindle puppies as they are, after
all, still a boxer dog despite their colouring. We hear the same old stories that if you have a white boxer he will be deaf, blind or die early.
Someone actually told us they thought all white boxers were born with webbed feet!
It is fair to say that of all the white boxers that are born,18% are born deaf, maybe in one or both ears but they can be trained and with a little
love and patience do grow up to lead happy, contented lives just like any other boxer dog. Unfortunately, the white boxer has been the cause
of much controversy among breeders and owners for quite some time but hopefully, the information below will help you to decide.
In 1895, one of the first Boxers was White CH Blanca Von Abgertor
MYTH 1 - White boxers are rare.
THE TRUTH - Approximately 25% of all boxers are born white. Some of the first foundation dogs for the boxer breed were white but since white
boxers do not conform to the breed standard of the UK Boxer Club or the Kennel Club, many are still put down at birth.
MYTH 2: White boxers develop more health problems and are sicker than other boxers. And the truth? Because a boxer is white does not mean
that it is going to be unhealthy. No clinical evidence has ever shown that the white boxer to be at a higher risk for health problems.
MYTH 3: All white boxers are deaf and are not trainable. And the truth? Although there is a higher incidence of deafness when a boxer is white
(approximately 18%), not all are deaf but any deaf boxer can be trained using a variety of methods including hand signals, sign
language, flashlights and more. Training any boxer, hearing or deaf, requires time, patience and understanding.
MYTH 4: White boxers are “mean”. And the truth? White boxers are not "mean". The colour of a boxer does not affect a boxer's personality or
temperament and white boxers exhibit the same endearing personality and traits as their darker counterparts.
MYTH 5: White boxers are albinos. And the truth? White boxers are not albinos. They are simply normal boxers that are born with white hair.
MYTH 6: White boxers cannot be registered. And the truth? White boxers can be registered with the Kennel Club but although they cannot
been shown in the show ring, they can be worked in obedience classes and they love to do agility.
The latest new regarding White Boxers
White boxers are now being shown in Europe due to the German Boxer Club changing their standard which now allows white boxer classes at
their Breed and Championship shows.