October, 2024

The Thames Valley Boxer Rescue Adoption Questionnaire

When you submit this questionnaire, you will receive a confirmation email.

PLEASE NOTE that we will only contact you when we have a boxer in
the rescue that we feel may be suitable for your family circumstances.

All questions marked with # are required please

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

From 25th May, 2018, it became law that we can
only contact you if we have your permission.

Your full address, please

We would not be able to place one of our boxers with you without your landlords permission

A garden or a yard is necessary for a dog do do it’s toilet.
We may not be able to home a rescue boxer with you.

We will not place an unspayed bitch in a home with an entire dog.

We will not place an entire dog in a home with an unspayed bitch

Maximum 500 Characters

Please read The TVBR Adoption Conditions listed below

The “SEND” button will be revealed by a code at the bottom of these conditions.

Post re-homing follow up contact

After completing and submitting this Adoption Questionnaire, a home visit will be arranged either by ourselves or by our representative if we have a boxer in rescue that we feel could be the right one for your family circumstances. After any adoption, you as the new Keeper will be contacted to ensure that your new boxer is happily settled and to give any advice or assistance may it be required.

Microchip Transfer and Registration

It became a legal requirement that from the 6th April, 2016 that all dogs MUST be microchipped and wear an identification disc with the Registered Keepers Name, Address and Telephone Number. Failure to do so in a public place could render you as the Keeper to a fine of up to £5000.00. Should your boxer go missing, you MUST notify us, your local Dog Warden and Doglost immediately. (there is a link to Doglost on our useful links page).

Pedigree Papers

Under no circumstances whatsoever will any pedigree papers be passed on to the new keeper of a TVBR boxer.

Pet Insurance

TVBR cannot be he held responsible for any veterinary fees incurred after an adoption.
An introductory offer of four weeks free PetPlan Insurance is included with every boxer adoption as we advise all new keepers to take out pet insurance to cover any veterinary fees. We use PetPlan ourselves but new Keepers are under no obligation to take advantage of this offer.

Feeding And Housing

All Keepers must undertake to feed and house their adopted boxer to the satisfaction of TVBR. All boxers are homed as pets and under no circumstances will we place a dog in a home if it is intended that it will spend any time living outside in a kennel. Should we become aware of a situation where one of our adopted boxers is being kept outside of the family home, we will take immediate steps to remove the dog from the home.


TVBR administered voluntarily and we ask that all new Keepers make a donation to the rescue at the time of adoption. We regret that theses donation are non-refundable.


Any relevent documents not available at the time of an adoption will be sent to to you. PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to remove any dog from a home if the required signed adoption form together with adonation is not received within fourteen (14) days of dispatch from TVBR.

If You Are Unable To Keep Your Adopted Boxer

Should it be necessary for you to part with your adopted boxer for any reason, TVBR MUST be notified and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES may your boxer be passed on to a third party without our consent. We will arrange for any necessary re-homing and we regret that any donation made to TVBR cannot be refunded.

Your Liabilities To Us

TVBR cannot and will not be held responsible for any claims, liabilities, damage or costs whatsoever incurred in connection with your boxer after adoption and the new keeper should indemnify TVBR or its proprietor(s) by any third parties. We suggest that your boxer is insured against such liabilities.

Unsuitable Homing

TVBR reserves the right to remove any boxer that is considered to have become unsuitably placed due to any change in circumstances. In such cases it is regretted that any donation that may have been made to TVBR cannot be refunded.

Change Of Address

YOU MUST notify Thames Valley Boxer Rescue of any change of address.



Please type the code into the box below to reveal the “SEND” button


# the code is case sensitive #